Parents of Estranged Adult Kids

Training and Events

The Pain of Parental Estrangement

A Common Story

Estrangement from a family member is always difficult for everyone involved, but it is especially painful for parents when the relationship with one or more children has been severed. The trauma is as deep and debilitating as injuries from a car accident, but shame and embarrassment make it difficult to seek help. Yet, estrangement is common. It is estimated that nearly one out of every eight parents is estranged from an adult child. One in every five older adults is considered an “elder orphan” with no one to turn to in a time of need. If you are one of them, please don’t try to go it alone any longer.

Resources - Books

This book shares the common experiences among Parents of Estranged Adult Kids (PEAKā„¢), the stages of estrangement, the impact it has on your health and well being, and many other elements of estrangement. It also outlines a journey that promotes healing for your spirit, your body, and your mind.

Training and Events

There are no trainings currently scheduled.

PEAK is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping parents who are estranged from their adult children, recover from the trauma of that estrangement. PEAK is run by volunteers and all of your donation helps support the costs of keeping the organization available to everyone who needs support. Thank you for your support.

A Father's Dream

“And so I live,
knowing you are there,
somewhere in the world,
a natural wonder,
but no path to find you again.
Even then, the broken is sharp,
and the gentlest touch still cuts.
I dream of a day
when the edges of the glass
are worn down by the waves of time
and the sand of suffering,
that I might find you once more,
and we might sit beside one another,
just two shades of green
watching the setting sun.”

620 Washington Ave
Rensselaer, NY 12144
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